Reactive Dog Training ✨

Transform Your Dog's Reactive Behaviors in a humane way, FOREVER

(no bribing, no force, no guilt)

Change Emotions

Learn how to change your reactive dog's emotions so they no longer need to bark and lunge. No bribing and NO force!

Take Me There!

Learn How to...

✅ Address your dog's reactive behaviors in a humane way

✅ Understand WHY your dog reacts while changing their emotions

✅ Know how to walk your dog without barking and lunging

✅ Train your dog - where, when and how

✅ Support yourself in the process!

I'm Ready!

You Should Enjoy Walks With Your Dog

Relief for Reactive Dogs

A proven course to help you understand and address your dog's reactive behaviors.

Start Training NOW!

Meet Your Instructor

Christine Durrant, CPDT-KA, Reactive Dog Specialist and Founder of FearLess Pet

Reactive Dog Training

Relief for Reactive Dogs™. Learn all of the techniques you need to help your dog change the way they feel so the barking and lunging stops.

I Want Access!

Sarah G & Duke

Hear what students Sarah & Duke have to say about Relief for Reactive Dogs

Train Your Dog Now!

Reactive Dog Graduates

Nicki was was reactive to bikes, children, dogs and people. Nicki made AMAZING progress!

Gracie had been under socialized due to a surgery. She would bark and lunge when she saw other dogs. Gracie went from barking like mad when she saw a dog to greeting them quitely!

Koa is a BIG boy and he had BIG feelings when he saw other dogs on walks. By the time we finished training, he was off on group hikes with all kinds of other dogs!

Frankie was reactive on leash due to under socialization. We worked with him at parks and he learned how to greet dogs without barking up a storm.

Nicki was was reactive to bikes, children, dogs and people. Nicki made AMAZING progress!

Gracie had been under socialized due to a surgery. She would bark and lunge when she saw other dogs. Gracie went from barking like mad when she saw a dog to greeting them quitely!

Koa is a BIG boy and he had BIG feelings when he saw other dogs on walks. By the time we finished training, he was off on group hikes with all kinds of other dogs!

Frankie was reactive on leash due to under socialization. We worked with him at parks and he learned how to greet dogs without barking up a storm.

Transformation Starts Here ✨

My Relief for Reactive Dogs Program is designed for effective results that will last a lifetime.

Dive Deep!

Learn how to understand WHY your dog reacts so you can support them and eliminate the barking and lunging behaviors.

"The tools Chris has given us make it simple to work with Graham both in and out of training sessions. The progress he's made in a short period of time is extremely rewarding for both of us!" - Julie B.

Buster's Story - Dog Reactive

At 4 years old Buster was adopted after living for 2 years without going for walks. He was confused as to what to do when he saw other dogs and he decided to bark, lunge and even snap at them. By the end of training Buster was great with other dogs and even did regular "meet ups" at the local park.

What Should Your Reactive Dog Wear?

Reactive dogs have BIG feelings. When we use products that increase discomfort we are adding stress to stress. A comfortable, well fitted dog harness is best for training a reactive dog.

Case Studies

Looking for more information on our training or products? Check out our Case Studies & Testimonials Page!

Case Studies