Adopted Dog Training ✨
Learn how to stop the barking and lunging
(no bribing, no force, no guilt)

Adopted Dog Training Course

Learn about...
- Decompression - what it is and why it's important
- Safely introducing your new dog to other pets and children
- Learn how to keep your dog safe for a lifetime
- Dog body language
- Basic manners course and more!
The Best Possible Start

✅ Set your dog up for success
✅ Teach core, basic skills for a lifetime of great behavior
✅ Develop a deeper bond through training
✅ Important safety information
✅ Learn how to speak "dog"
✅ Ensure you have the right supplies and equipment
Dive Deep!
Learn how to understand WHY your dog reacts so you can support them and eliminate the barking and lunging behaviors.
learn how to start training your dog today
How It Works
Choose Your Training
Select your training program and check out.
Instant Access
Start training today and watch your dog transform!
Enjoy Peace-of-Mind
Enjoy the peace-of-mind that only knowing how to help your reactive dog can bring.
Training Support
With the program you will receive support directly with Christine Durrant, Reactive Dog Specialist. Ask away!
Meet Your Instructor
Christine Durrant, CPDT-KA, Reactive Dog Specialist and Founder of FearLess Pet
A Message from Chris
I'd personally like to thank you for choosing adoption! Saving a life and gaining a new best friend is one of the most meaningful decisions we can make.
Safe Gear
Explore our no pull, no escape gear - perfect for adopted dogs!
On a Budget?
Try a FREE introductory Adopted Dog Training Course to get you started on the right paw!

Adopted Dog Training Course